Mirror Lake

Mirror Lake

Mirror Lake truly reflects its name. The water is so clear you can see a clear reflection of yourself and the surroundings.

We were lucky to visit the lake when it was actually filled. It is seasonal – sometimes frozen, sometimes completely dry. When it is dry, it is referred to as the Meadow Trail.

The hike there was pretty easy coming from the shuttle’s Mirror Lake Trailhead stop. There were signs to follow that will lead to the lake.

clear reflection of my awkward asian peace sign pose

Be cautious of animals on the trail and at the lake – people have reported sightings of bobcats, deers, and other wildlife.

You will feel in complete isolation yet in peace once you reach the lake.

The rocks are slippery so be careful. I had so much fun jumping on rocks, unleashing my inner child.

The lake is nestled between North Dome and Half Dome. You will also see views of Tenaya Canyon, Mount Watkins, Washington Column, and more.

Though the water was ice cold, it called me for a quick dip.

Mirror Lake was so serene. You can’t miss it when you visit Yosemite National Park!

Read more of my Yosemite escapade here.

Reflect love,

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